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Selectmen's Minutes 3/7/05
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, March 7, 2005 at 7:35 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter Hamilton
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
John Stuebing, Town Counsel
Wayne Perry, Wastewater Study Committee and Vonnie Reis, Senior Engineer, Weston & Sampson Engineers, Inc. met with the Board to update them on the Committee’s investigation into possible sites for disposal.
Mr. Perry explained results of tests, areas tested, final testing to be done at Middle School, Town Common, Front of High School and Strong Field. Solutions to Town’s sewerage problems are regionalization, decentralize, no action. Explained each of the solutions. Working with OCPC regarding regionalization; bill put together and sent to Senate to secure funding for study of Taunton River Basin.
Ms. Reis explained that Leland Farm was ruled out because of poor soil; Middle School test favorable for 200,000 to 250,000 gals for disposal; areas would be subsurface 3-5 feet; no above ground structures; have not found site for treatment plant; asked permission of Selectmen to perform tests wells at Town Common, High School upper parking lot and Strong Field. Once tests and analysis are completed there will be a Public Meeting in early June.
Mr. Perry noted that the Committee meets the 4th Thursday of each month.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Wastewater Study Committee and Weston & Sampson Engineers testing at the Town Common, in front of the High School/Town Hall and Strong Field.
John Fitzgerald, Urban Development Coordinator DHCD and Louis Martin, DHCD met with the Board for a presentation on revitalization and redevelopment.
Also present were members of the Planning Board: Steven Belcher, David Sheedy, David Botello,
William Nolan, Rep. Kathleen Teahan and Amy Reynolds representing Sen. Joyce.
Mr. Fitzgerald’s power point presentation included information regarding development of and powers and duties of an urban renewal agency, redevelopment authority, consolidated department of community development, economic development industrial corporation, economic development corporation.
Mr. Fitzgerald also noted that there are two $1,000 grants available in this fiscal year; suggested that the Town apply for one.
Mr. Belcher stated that the Town needed to focus on the Eastern States Steel property and the West Union/Spring Street area.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the February 28, 2005 meeting.
A discussion was held regarding a letter received from the Dartmouth Group regarding 61B property at Pomponoho Pine Condos. Steve Belcher, Planning board member stated that they are reviewing this and will be discussing at their next meeting. Will notify the Board of their recommendation.
Board of Selectmen -2- March 7, 2005
Mr. Greene requested that a copy of the information be sent to the Conservation Commission for their recommendation.
Atty. Stuebing stated that he is reviewing request and that it may not be correctly worded and therefore would not qualify for 120 days. Board requested Atty. Stuebing to draft a letter to send to the Dartmouth Group.
Board agreed to table action until further recommendations are received.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the schedule for the Annual and Special Town Meetings to be held on May 9, 2005, as printed.
Mr. Walsh questioned whether the annual could be moved out two weeks; noted that the finance committee will not be ready for May 9. Requested Town Counsel to look into this and get back to the Board next week.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the polling hours for the Annual Town Election on Saturday, April 9, 2005 of 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Board agreed that they did not want to vote polling hours for more than one year at this time.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve signing the Southeastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council Compact and Mutual Aid Agreement and the WEB Mutual Aid Agreement and Assistance Compact.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, for purpose of discussion, move to approve signing the Electric Supply Agreement with Constellation New Energy.
Atty. Stuebing stated that there were several issues within the contract that he questioned. Mr. Samia stated that he would give Atty. Stuebing the contact person.
Mr. Walsh withdrew the motion.
A discussion was started relative to the contract of Veterans’ Agent Peter Spagone. Atty. Stuebing suggested that the Board hold discussion until they go into Executive Session.
Pending Issues
2. Atty. Stuebing is working on a by-law; will contact Jane Haines for further information
5. DPW – invitation to Water Commissioners, Water Dept. employees, Highway and Tree
Dept. employees and John Haines to attend meeting for discussion.
Trash Collection – John Haines working on information; may not be ready this month
9. Capital Improvements Planning Committee - meeting with Dept, Heads Tuesday; will
be asking for updated lists
11. Invitation to Departments/Committees – will do follow up phone calls
Mr. Walsh announced that there was a Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday evening and he would attend with Mr. Samia for presentation of Selectmen’s budget at 7 p.m.
Board of Selectmen -3- March 7, 2005
1. 1. Letter from EB Youth Baseball; Mr. Greene stated that he would attend meeting
between park Commissioners and EBYB.
2. 2. Plymouth County Retirement – increase to be split over two year period.
3. 3. SE. Regional School has submitted FY06 budget. Set-up a meeting date with representatives to discuss their budget.
4. 4. COA has invited Board members to attend SALT program
Town Administrator Report
Has been working with Atty. Jordan Shapiro relative to Savino issues.
Atty. Jordan Shapiro requested to speak to Board at this time. Atty. Shapiro stated that he has been retained in the Frank Savino matter, as Town’s Counsel may have a conflict issue. Recommended that the board not go into Executive Session to discuss this matter until the investigation is completed and any charges that may be brought can be acted upon appropriately. Stated that the Board needs to gather information and send proper notice to Mr. Savino and his attorney.
Board requested that on next week’s agenda, a discussion of any articles needed for Town Meeting be discussed, i.e. quorum, DPW, etc. Requested Town Counsel to be prepared to discuss articles.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of hearing a Step 2 Grievance and to discuss non-union contract negotiation issues and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Greene, Walsh, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Board of Selectmen
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, March 14, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter Hamilton
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
John Stuebing, Town Counsel
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the March 7, 2005 meeting.
Mr. Hamilton noted that he wanted to thank Amy Reynolds, who represented Sen. Joyce at last week’s meeting regarding Economic Development.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve signing the revised contract with Peter P. Spagone as Director of Veterans’ Services, Veterans’ Agent, Burial Agent and Veterans’ Graves Officer.
Atty. Stuebing recommended that the Board make a confirmatory vote on eligibility for health insurance benefits for Mr. Spagone.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to accept per the contract the Director of Veterans’ Services, Veterans’ Agent, Burial Agent and Veterans’ Graves Officer is eligible for Group Health Insurance at 20% employee and 80% Town contribution of premium.
Mr. Walsh noted that the revision in the contract was because Mr. Spagone has agreed to forgo a salary increase for FY06.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, move to approve the renewal of the Seasonal Common Victualer – Wine & Malt License for N.E. Kart Raceway dba F1 Outdoor Kart Racing Complex, 798 North Bedford Street, Karen M. Quast, Manager.
Mr. Greene stated that he did not agree with this facility having a license and would not vote for the renewal.
VOTE: Yes – Hamilton, Walsh; No – Greene; a majority vote in favor.
Board requested that the renewal form not that the facility will open as soon as weather permits.
Mr. Walsh announced that Town Counsel has confirmed that the board can vote to change the date of the Annual Town Meeting and that after looking at the calendar, noting the Holiday in May, he would recommend that the Special and Annual Town Meetings be changed to June 6.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve changing the date of the Special and Annual town Meetings from May 9 to June 6, 2005.
Mr. Greene noted that opening the Annual and then recessing to another date would be cost prohibitive. Requested Mrs. Grabau to revise the schedule and allow additional time for submission of articles.
Board held a discussion relative to the establishment of a DPW as recommended by the Government Study Committee. It was noted that Water, Tree and Highway employees and the Highway Surveyor/Tree Warden and Water commissioners were invited to attend.
Board of Selectmen -2- March 14, 2005
Those present were:
Water Commissioners, Robert Reardon and David Coots
Water Dept. employees: Scott McCann, James Smith, Ron Randall, Fran Sullivan,
Chris Hoyt, Neil Winsor, Nancy Hacker
Highway Surveyor/Tree Warden, John Haines
Highway Dept. employees: Nancy Feeney, Tony Andrade, Rob Kenn
Tree Dept. employees: Fred Brown, David Varity
Missy Schrader
A lengthy discussion was held which included special legislation or by-law change, protection of current jobs/positions, guarantees against job losses, combining of departments, process for implementing, preservation of services, streamlining of work, future needs of town, etc. Several employees asked questions or commented on their views relative to a DPW.
Board requested Mr. Samia to work on putting together a committee to study how to study DPW and report back to the board with a plan. Mr. Samia stated that he would work on ideas and report back to the Board next week. Asked anyone interested on being on the committee or who has ideas/suggestions relative to a DPW implementation to submit a letter to Selectmen’s Office.
Town Administrator Report
Mr. Samia made a brief statement that the Treasurer/Collector administrative leave continues; aware of disruption within office; on advice of Counsel, will report on appropriate course of action as soon as possible.
Mr. Walsh noted that the board had received notification from Mr. Samia that as Town Administrator he had appointed Ryon Pratt to assist him on matters as needed and has authorized Mr. Pratt to act on his behalf.
Mr. Greene commented that he felt that assistance was fine but that all action must be done by Town Administrator and all work would be under Town Administrator’s jurisdiction and/or signature.
Atty. Stuebing noted that the intent of this was to avoid circumstances where Chief Pratt’s role as Assistant would be questioned. Noted that this is not a new bureaucratic position.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to affirm the right of Town Administrator, George Samia to select an Assistant.
A discussion was held with Town Counsel regarding the energy contract proposed for the Town. Atty. Stuebing stated that he has contracted several area towns regarding contracts they have and will be discussing the contract with a representative of Constellation and will get to the Board next week.
Mr. Walsh reminded Atty. Stuebing that he did not want the cost of checking on this contract to exceed the savings the town would receive. Atty. Stuebing noted that this comes under the monthly stipend.
Atty. Stuebing stated that he felt that the contract isn’t in the best interest of the town; the town would have to sign the contract before a price was locked in/ Felt that the price should already be in the contract prior to signing.
Mr. Samia informed the Board that the Capital Planning package has been sent to all departments and will be returned to the office.
Board of Selectmen -3- March 14, 2005
Atty. Stuebing presented to the Board a manual put together by his staff relative to 40B Affordable Housing Plans. Copies have been delivered to the Planning Board. Included in the package are statutes, legislation, etc. can be a useful resource.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, move to close Open Session and go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing non-union contract negotiations and will not be returning to Open Session.
VOTE: Yes – Greene, Walsh, Hamilton; a unanimous vote in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Board of Selectmen
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, March 21, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter Hamilton
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2005 meeting.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the request of Pamela Ross of the East Bridgewater Little league to hold a parade on April 16, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. with the parade route beginning at the Gordon W. Mitchell Middle School parking lot and proceeding down Central Street to the John Silva complex on Church Street.
Mr. Greene noted that he would be at the parade if reelected; Mr. Hamilton will also be at parade; Mr. Walsh noted he would be away and unable to attend. Chief Cowan informed the Board that he has talked to Little League representatives and John Haines regarding the parade and parking; also met with abutters to fields and will try to alleviate some of the parking problems.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, for purpose of discussion, move to approve the request of Robert Lundberg, Building Inspector/Zoning Enforcement Officer to pay for the streetlights on Fieldcrest Landing.
Mr. Greene felt that the Police Chief and Fire Chief should also report on the lights prior to any approval. It was noted that in the past only the Police Chief has reported on the lights. Mr. Greene requested that action on this be tabled for one week and requested the Police Chief to make a recommendation. Mr. Walsh withdrew his motion.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to the reappointment of Wilfred Prouty as Animal Inspector and Donna Morris as Assistant Animal Inspector for the period of May 1, 2005 to April 30, 2006.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve a Proclamation declaring April 2, 2005 as Calvin F. Harlow Day.
Mr. Greene stated that the Proclamation would be read at the ceremonies on the Common on April 2.
Chief Cowan reported that he has spoken to Mr. Julius regarding encampment reenactment and ceremonies at Common. Noted that the encampment at Sachem Rock Farm will start in morning and they will come up to Common at 2 p.m. for ceremony. Also noted that he has met with sponsors of Road Race on same date and is coordinating both activities.
Leo Hurley and Dana Lansdown of Habitat for Humanity met with the Board to discuss possible site for one home on town owned land and donation of the parcel to Habitat.
Ms. Lansdown informed the Board that they have identified one parcel where the Northville School is and have done a perk test on the property. Next step would be to put an article on next town meeting warrant to sell the parcel to Habitat for $1.00. Explained that they have done this in several communities including Brockton. Land is donated and work done by volunteers; homes come under affordable housing and can be used for the community’s listing; homes sell at cost; usually homes cost approx. $100,000 to build. Explained criteria for homeowners. Noted that they have provided a sample article for town meeting.
Board of Selectmen -2- March 21, 2005
Board noted that they had a request from the Northville Cemetery Association regarding the same parcel, which they are looking at for another access to their property.
Further discussion was held regarding viable properties that could be used for housing units. Mr. Walsh suggested that the property on the eastern end of Central Street, which the Sewerage Committee had looked at, might be a potential site for several homes.
Board agreed that the Northville Cemetery Association would be contacted to meet with the Board. Would work with Habitat to identify other viable properties and would meet again in two weeks to discuss further.
Police Chief John Cowan met with the Board relative to his contract. It was noted that Chief Cowan has his Masters Degree and therefore the Quinn Bills part of the contract. It was noted that the insurance, professional development remains same as former Chief’s contract. Additional is an auto stipend as Chief Cowan will be using his personal vehicle and the Chief’s vehicle will be put into department service.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to accept and sign the three year contract between the Town of East Bridgewater and Chief of Police John Cowan.
Town Administrator’s Report
1. DPW Committee: 95% complete; noted there had been a misconception at last week’s meeting that the committee would consist of Tree Highway and Water employees; actually the committee will consist of outsiders and employees chosen by the Department Heads. Thanked the employees that have put letters of interest into office.
Informed the Board that he has chosen the following:
Peter Spagone, Sr. Brian Healey
John Clifford Michael Payton
Ryon Pratt Rob Kenn
Noted John Haines will act as an ex-officio member.
Explained the reasons for his choices and noted that he is waiting to hear from the Water Commissioners on their choice.
2. Economic Study grant has been applied for.
3. Capital Improvements – Cheryl Pooler, a member of the Committee is putting together a packet of department requests. Will set up a meeting shortly.
Mr. Walsh noted that the Sewerage Study Committee has posted meetings for both Wednesday and Thursday; plan to meet with Russ Hannigan, EBCTV director to discuss and informational program. Also noted that they have been able to work out a schedule with the Park Commissioners to do tests at Strong Field.
Letter regarding snowplow damages – will submit to insurance company.
Notification that Dana Colby had paid $50,000 for back taxes as agreed upon.
Board of Selectmen -3- March 21, 2005
EBCATV Director, Russ Hannigan informed the Board that meeting with Town Planner held last week will be aired at the end of the Selectmen’s meeting.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to close Selectmen’s Meeting at 8:23 p.m.
Board of Selectmen
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening, March 28, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
Present: Eric W. Greene, Chairman; David L. Walsh, Clerk; Peter Hamilton
George Samia, Town Administrator
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant
Dale Julius met with the Board to inform them of the activities planned for Saturday, April 2. Mr. Julius was attired in a Civil War uniform and read a brief invitation to residents to attend the Encampment and re-enactment at Sachem Rock Farm and the Calvin Harlow Day Ceremony on the Town Common at 2 p.m. Noted that this was the 140th anniversary of the end of the Civil War and that they would be getting ready to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War in six years. Stated that he would like to see this become an annual event. Noted that if Saturday were too rainy for the re-enactment, the Harlow Ceremony would be held in the Town Hall’s second floor meeting room.
Board thanked Mr. Julius for putting the event together.
Jane Haines, Director of Elder Affairs, met with the Board to inform them of the activities planned for the Wellness and Safety Fair on Wednesday, April 6 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Standish Sportsman’s Club.
Also informed the Board that the Town will become a TRIAD community and will be signing an agreement during the Fair. Noted that the Board was invited to be present and take part in the official signing ceremony.
Mrs. Haines informed the Board that Gene Ortenzi has donated funding for box lunches, which will be provided by Flibby’s. Also noted that Mr. Ortenzi had donated a 32” TV for the Senior Center.
A discussion was held relative to providing transportation to the Fair. Mrs. Haines noted that at this time they have not hired a driver for the van; may possibly use a volunteer, if they have one with a CDL license. Noted that the van will be on view at the Fair. Will have volunteer drivers available to provide transportation to seniors. Also noted that she is looking for volunteer drivers to provide transport for seniors to doctors/hospital appointments. Also, need volunteers to assist a blind resident in their home.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2005 meeting.
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the Town taking over the payment of one streetlight on Fieldcrest Landing as follows:
Pole #5 – 1 light at cul-de-sac
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to approve the use of the Town Hall second floor conference room on Saturday, April 2, 2005 for the Calvin Harlow Day Ceremony, in event rain cancels Common Ceremony.
Board of Selectmen -2- March 28, 2005
Jean Porter, Treasurer and Sophie Stec, Member, Northville Cemetery Association, met with the Board to discuss the Northville School property.
Mrs. Porter explained previous request by the Association to get a right-of-way into property they own in back of town property. Noted that at one time, there was a right-of-way for wood lots; lots were later purchased by Association. Explained that originally the Association had wanted to preserve the Northville School to use for meeting, etc. but the building is now unsafe.
Mrs. Porter read the original deed issued when the Helping Hands Society was given the building by the town. She also read a newspaper article regarding a town meeting article on the property and problems that were found with the deed and title.
Mrs. Porter explained that the Cemetery has only one entrance off Oak Street, which is a 20’ right-of-way, which causes problems for the vault trucks and doesn’t allow two cars to pass. Need to have an additional entrance/exit with wider right-of –way.
Mr. Greene noted that he remembered discussion in prior years relative to use of the Northville School property. Noted that he felt that the Association had a valid reason for needing the property.
It was noted that Habitat for Humanity has received a map from the Assessor’s Office regarding the Central Street property and plan to look property over prior to meeting with the Selectmen on the April 11.
Mrs. Porter noted that the Association had their property surveyed in 1998 and that their survey did not agree with Assessor’s maps. Showed survey maps to board members.
Mr. Greene stated that the board would not be making any decision at this time; will wait to discuss other parcels with Habitat for Humanity; felt that the Board may be able to accommodate both groups.
Mr. Walsh stated that the Board should have Town Counsel check on deed restrictions, as there are questions relative to the original title, etc.
Mr. Greene stated that it might be best for the Town to retain ownership of the property and give right-of-way to Cemetery. Stated that the Board would get back to Cemetery Association within a month.
Town Administrator Report
1. 1. New Policy for use of Town Counsel – departments submit request and a number will be assigned. First request received from Planning Board for tonight.
Mr. Walsh suggested that each department have a number and that number would be part of the assigned number; Board would be able to show who has requested Town Counsel.
Discussion was held on number of budget items that are in the Selectmen’s budget but include all departments, i.e. town wide gasoline, telephone, etc. It was noted that many residents misunderstand how funds are used.
Mr. Walsh asked if Legislature was allowing the movement of funds within budgets this year. Mr. Samia explained that the legislation was for two years, with this year being the second year. Board and Finance Committee can use this tool during last two months of year.
2. 2. Town Hall closing – Mr. Samia explained that there had been several residents upset Departments were closed all day Thursday and Friday. Explained that under the clerical union contract, Good Friday is a holiday; as several employees no longer work on Friday, they had Thursday off. Apologized to anyone who was inconvenienced.
Mr. Greene stated that the Board should have mentioned at their meeting last Monday.
1. 1. Candidates Night – Thursday, March 31 – live telecast on cable.
2. 2. Calvin Harlow Ceremony on Common – 2 p.m. – Mr. Greene will present Proclamation
3. 3. Monday, April 19 – Patriot’s Day – Town Hall closed
M/Walsh, s/Hamilton, a unanimous vote, move to close the Open Session at 8:35 p.m.
Board of Selectmen